Ashley M. Rita
The best way to buy dōTerra products is through the Loyalty Rewards Program. It’s a super flexible ordering template you can set up when you enroll as a wholesale customer or Wellness Advocate that pays you back and rewards you for consistent purchasing.
dōTerra’s Loyalty Rewards Program:
Most of us have a wallet full of stamp cards or reward cards for places we like to frequent? We do, do you? This works similar but it’s all automatically calculated for you when you place your order online through the special template. When you place your order through the LRP template, doTerra calculates a percentage of your order (starting at 10%) and on the 15th of the following month, credits that amount into your “house account” or LRP account.
With each month you continue to participate in the LRP program, your percentage back goes up till you reach 30% back in points from every LRP purchase you make. It’s awesome!
It’s easy!
Sign in to your website that you created when you enrolled. Look on the right section of the SHOP page for a CREATE NEW LRP option. That’s what you’ll want to click. You may want to have a copy of the product guide open in another browser window to reference while you are getting a feel for the product line. When you know what you want, you can just type it into the “Quick Add to Cart” window and the system will pull up the product and try and help you find what you are looking for.
Just add what items you want to your template, edit or enter a ship date, enter your payment and shipping info and either click “ship now” to process your order immediately, or just wait till your auto ship date comes. Your order will be made and you’ll be sent your products.
Some common questions about creating a Loyalty Rewards Order:
Q. Do I HAVE to place an order each month?
A. For a normal wholesale account, you don’t. However, if you choose to opt-in to the Loyalty Rewards Program, yes- you need to place an order each month to “hold” your template open. You can place a minimal order (10 PV) and it will keep your template open for you. You won’t earn any new points or advance in percentage that month, but you won’t lose your spot or your points.
To advance in percentage back and move from 10% to 30%, you need to maintain an order of 50 PV or more each month. 100 PV or more if you are participating in the business of dōTerra and would like to earn a commission.
Q. Will I get the same products each month?
A. You have full control over your template. It is customizable to any product you want to purchase. You can change it up with each order. If you forget to change your order by the ship date you have set, you will receive the items from your last saved template on auto ship.
Q. What’s the Product of the Month Club?
A. For those of us using the LRP template to place our orders, if you set it to run BEFORE the 15th of the month AND your total is 125 PV or higher, you’ll automatically be sent a fun freebie. There have been some great oils sent as Product of the Month oils. LOVE this little bit of TLC from dōTerra. It’s always nice to get!
Q. Can I change my shipping address and payment information?
A. Yes! Both of these are customizable whenever you need or would like to make changes.
Q. Is it really worth it?
A. If you only use dōTerra products once or twice a year, maybe a Loyalty Rewards Program template isn’t for you. But if you find yourself purchasing a few products a month, then YES you’ll definitely benefit from buying this way. Not only do you earn points back & can earn the free product of the month, you’ll also get your shipping costs credited back to you in the form of points, benefit from exclusive Loyalty Rewards pricing on many items (below wholesale) and have the products you need, when you need them.
Q. I thought oils lasted a long time and you only needed to use a tiny amount at a time. Won’t I run out of things to buy?
A. I wondered about this too when I first started. But, dōTerra has an amazing product catalog that is expanding each year. They have skin care, hair care, supplements, home and cleaning, etc. It’s really great. What we’ve found is that we shop our own dōTerra store first- this pays us back and we LOVE the products. Subsequently, we rarely purchase these kinds of products anywhere else and end up skipping a lot of the aisles in a traditional store. Love that! We have a steady rotation of oils and other products coming into the house and find that we use them for a lot more than we ever thought we would.
Tip: When you need a product to do something Google it as ” ________ + Essential Oils” and you’ll find a ton of great ways to use them from all over the web. Random things you never thought about and you’ll find you had a potential solution just sitting in your cabinet the entire time. LOVE it!