Ashley M. Rita
Essential oils have very, very small molecules. There are approximately 40 million trillion molecules in one drop of essential oil (that's approximately 40,000 molecules for each cell in the average human body). They are so small, that they enter your body through the skin and go EVERYWHERE in your body.
Vitamin C is a large molecule and cannot go everywhere in your body, so it does its job while passing through.
Another very large molecule is insulin. It is so large that it has problems getting into our cells and when it can no longer get into our cells, we have this thing called Type II Diabetes, or Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes.
The small molecules are what produces the swift uptake of the wonderful aromas of essential oils. Open a bottle and immediately you can smell them. If not, it is not a very good grade of essential oil. The molecules of a good, quality essential oil will hop right out of the bottle and up your nose.
Except for our sense of smell, all our other senses register first in the rational portion of the brain -- where sounds are deciphered, images clarified, and touch or taste distinguished, then, and only after everything has been dissected, inspected, and verified do we get an emotional response (like watching a sad movie).
However, with this wonderful sense of smell we have, the nerves are directly connected to the place in the brain where science tells us our emotions are stored. So aromatherapy is one way of stimulating our emotions directly and then later figuring out, rationally, that it's peppermint, eucalyptus, rose, or some other.
There are Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and there is garbage. This, I had thought for a long time, was some sort of marketing ploy, but as I began to research the subject (I'm learning right along with you) I discovered something amazing: Oils Heal.
The Quality and Frequency of Essential Oils:
For one thing, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils have an Electromagnetic Frequency. The difference between Western and Eastern medicine is (before Nixon went to China) that Eastern Medicine does not study cadavers (deceased human bodies) because Eastern Medicine is all about CHI (or Qi), the Life Force: energy. There is no Life Force Energy in a cadaver, and there is no energy in a garbage oil passed off as an essential oil.
Every essential oil has a frequency and each of our organs and body parts have a frequency. The frequency of an oil will attract a like frequency in the body. Lower frequencies become a sponge for negative energy. The frequency is what stays in the body to maintain the longer lasting effects of the oil. Low frequencies make physical changes in the body. Middle frequencies make emotional changes in the body. High frequencies make spiritual changes in the body. Spiritual frequencies range from 92 to 360 Hz. (Bone frequency is 38-43; neck and down frequency is 62-68).
Rose's energy has been measured at 320 MHz (the highest). Lavender is 118 MHz and peppermint is 78 MHz.
The human body has been measured at 62 - 68 MHz (a healthy human body) while if you have a cold your energy can drop to 58 MHz.
Now here's something of interest: Negative thoughts lower the frequency of Essential Oils by 12 MHz while positive thoughts raised their frequencies 10 MHz. Prayer raises frequency levels by 15 MHz. So, you can see why anointing took place with prayer in Biblical times.
Now for something you can actually use tomorrow (if you have a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil handy): Holding a cup of coffee lowers your body's frequency 8 MHz; drinking that cup lowers your body's frequency by 14 MHz. It can take three days to recover and bring the body's frequency back up to 62 - 68 MHz. If you drink coffee daily, your body's frequency will constantly be in the lower ranges (the range of illnesses), unless you do something to raise these levels. Prayer can do it. Qigong can do it. Some of the energetic medical devices can help also (in previous newsletters). But, the simplest and easiest way to get your energy levels back into the Healthy Range is by sniffing a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil.
For more on energy levels in Essential Oils, you can order the Reference Guide to Essential Oils published by Abundant Health.) But for my readers, you should know that cancer can begin to take off when our frequency drops below 42MHz. Death begins at 25 MHz.
Why are herbs so healing? Basil's frequency is 52 MHz and Oregano is still higher. Eating foods with energy raises our energy. Eating dead foods lowers our energy. Seventy percent of the cancer diet is Live Organic Foods. Why? They are alive. They have energy. Anything that raises up your frequency will help to fight illness.
Many oils are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The antioxidant value in some essential oils alone is absolutely astounding. Dr Stewart writes: "An ounce of Clove Oil has the antioxidant capacity of 450 lbs of carrots, 120 quarts of blueberries, or 48 gallons of beet juice."
But they also do so much more that we cannot stop here.
{Frequencies are measured in Hertz (Hz)}
Genius Brain Frequency: 80-82Hz
Colds and Flu start at: 57-60Hz
Brain Frequency Range: 72-90Hz
Disease starts at: 58Hz
Normnal Brain Frequency: 72Hz
Candida overgrowth starts at: 55Hz
Human Body: 62-78Hz
Human Body: from neck up: 72-78Hz
Receptive to Cancer at: 42Hz
Human Body: Neck down: 60-68Hz
Death begins at: 25Hz
Pure Essential Oils: 52-320Hz
Fresh Herbs & Foods: 20-27Hz
Dried Herbs: 15-22Hz
Dried Foods: 15-22Hz
Processed/Canned Foods: 0Hz
(the majority of food we eat)
A Bit of Chemistry:
Essential oils contain hundreds of constituents (chemicals). Although each oil has different constituents, what separates them from other oils are their terpenes; these make our essential oils unique and gives them even more healing properties. Terpenes are also, as we mentioned earlier, very small.
There are three types of terpenes found in essential oils (one oil can contain all three types).
They are: Phenylpropanoids (also called Hemiterpenes), Monoterpenes, and Sesquiterpenes.
Phenylpropanoids: Create conditions unfriendly to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Most importantly, they clean the receptor sites on our cells so that our cells can communicate (our hormonal system depends entirely upon clear communication throughout the body). Oregano oil contains 60% phenylpropanoids.
Monoterpenes: Found in Peppermint and Frankincense (and others), offer so many healing properties here that it would drive us nutz to list them, but of their most important service to your body, monoterpenes can reprogram miswritten information in your DNA. For you with cancer, this is how the disease starts. One cell with damaged DNA produces another and onward. However, it is the group known as the sesquiterpenes that really give cancer a boot to the groin.
Sesquiterpenes: Among my favorites containing this terpene are Patchouli and Myrrh (although these are found in peppers and ginger and aloes too). These molecules deliver oxygen to your tissues. Cancer, viruses, and bacteria have a hard time existing in an oxygenated environment. Whereas monoterpenes reprogrammed the misinformation in your DNA, sesquiterpenes erase the misinformation.
So to sum up the properties of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils:
They create an environment detrimental to pathogens (viruses, bacteria, etc).
They create an environment of clear communication between all cells and all systems.
They create an environment detrimental to cancer growth.
They erase (deprogram) misinformation in our cells.
They reprogram misinformation in our cells so they function and replicate properly.
And finally, there are the emotional and spiritual sides to the healing properties of these oils that only you can experience for yourself.
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There are so many uses for essential oils. The more you learn, the more you'll love them!
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Be more proactive in your healthcare learn how to help yourself and your family with natural options.